Cookie Control v8.3 released
CIVIC is announcing the availability of Cookie Control v8.3. Existing subscribers of Cookie Control v8 may upgrade for free.
Please see below the release list of Cookie Control v8.3:
- Added accessibility markup to the IAB TCF v1.1. iframe.
- Resolved occasional RangeError issue.
- Added SameSite=Strict flag to the CookieControl cookie.
- Accessibility improvements for screen readers.
- Accessibilty improvement preventing users to "tab" out of the popup when it's open
- Fix bug with purging consent state due to the updated date of the statement object.
- The onLoad callback will now run even when the widget is hidden due to geolocation.
- Added getCategoryConsent function to get the consent state of a particular category.
- Added geoTest function to get geolocation information prior to loading the module.
- Added top option for the initialState property, which is similar to notify but will display a bar at the top of the page.
As usual version 8.x will be automatically updated to point to the latest version in the coming week: v8.3.
The release of Cookie Control v.9 will be available before the end of Q1 and will provide support for IAB TCFv2.0 and CCPA.